Scalfetti Farms June 2022 Update

Summer is here!!!

Construction Progress:

Granny and Papa’s Home Construction

Granny and Papa are nearly ready to move in!!! The contractor is wrapping up the paint, cabinets, and flooring this month!

Rachael and Mike’s Home Remodel

We are steadily moving forward getting ready to start finishing out the inside! The siding and roofing are now complete along with the last of mechanical, plumbing, and electrical rough in. We are all set and ready for insulation!

Mike’s Shop Project

Exciting news for the shop, we have power!!! We got the electrical service set up and installed and secured the shop with the last of the roll up doors.

Farm/Homestead Progress:

On the Farm

We have a new piece of equipment on the farm! Our older tractor has served us well, but this is certainly a well need upgrade especially with the back-hoe attachment. This tool will be vital for maintaining the property and working on all the upcoming projects. I am very excited for the work this will allow us to do.

Around the Apiary

Nothing to update, we are schedule to have the Beehives arrive in August!

In the Garden

The garden is starting to produce some cucumbers and tomatoes, we even spotted a couple of cantaloupes growing! It seems like our adjustments are starting to pay off.

Behind the Coop

As soon as we finished last month’s bird netting project, the TX summer heat hit. It was so hot, we lost one of our older ladies. After the loss, we quickly replaced the bird netting with 40% shade cloth tarps and changed the timer to refresh the water twice a day. So far, we have not had any more casualties and the birds seem a lot happier in the shade!

Here is a picture of the Black Soldier Fly Larva mentioned last month. The chickens really enjoy these tasty treats!

Family Updates:

Granny and Papa have been busy packing their house for their move and preparing for the family vacation next month!!!

Zac and Sam really enjoyed their time with Grandma and Grandpa during their visit from Pennsylvania. It was great having them around especially spending time with the kids. We even got to see the dinosaurs at the Perot Museum during their visit!

Final House Keeping:

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Thank you for all the support! We hope you enjoyed this month’s update.

With Love from the Scalfetti Farm
