Its Not All About the Chickens But… A lot of it is!!!

What a ride 2023 has been on the Scalfetti Farm! From settling into our new digs to cultivating memories that’ll last a lifetime, it’s been a year bursting with growth and adventure. Apologies for the delay in our usual newsletter – keeping up with all the excitement took precedence! But fear not, dear homestead fam, we’re back and ready to share the highlights of our journey with you.

Homestead Happenings:

Construction: Those fresh homes we moved into? They’ve blossomed into havens of joy and sun-soaked afternoons. Grandpa’s dream outdoor kitchen, thanks to Granny & Papa, has become our go-to spot for gatherings, filled with laughter, Sunday football, and dips under the Texas sun.

New Addition to the Homestead: Last summer’s property access hiccup led to some head-scratching, but thanks to Granny and Papa’s negotiation skills, we’ve secured a new slice of land with a driveway and a new home for Zac and Sam’s Uncle. Excited to welcome him to the homestead!

Homestead Highlights:

APPPA Conference: Rachael and I attended our first APPPA conference last January, soaking in knowledge on raising chickens and finding inspiration to expand our farm. Meeting fellow enthusiasts and even the godfather of pastured poultry, Joel Salatin, made it one of the best experiences yet. Check out their website for more info – we’re looking for new members!

Chickens Galore: Armed with newfound knowledge and a supportive community, we set ambitious goals. Incubating eggs, ordering chicks, and even a few ducks became our mission, though plans went awry as they arrived on different days. Cue the panic, cue the shop time! But in the end, we managed to raise various flocks and process our own broilers – tough lessons, but oh so rewarding.

Friends of the Farm: At the APPPA conference, we met Cindy, a real-life garden angel runnin’ The Giving Garden (check it out: We’ve traded sweat, wisdom, and countless laughs on our homesteading journeys. Through Cindy, we met Michael, the Dallas Half Acre Farm king ( His hoop house salad magic and “can-do” spirit have been an inspiration.

In the Garden: While Texas heat challenged our garden, we’re revamping raised beds and the greenhouse for a better harvest this year. Stay tuned for updates!

Beyond Chickens

Now, its not all about the chickens! We managed to squeeze in four weddings (from DFW to Cabo to Marquette!), a beach bonanza at our family house (RIP, beach house!), and Rachael’s solo California adventure with the kiddos (brave woman!). Back home, Zac’s started his Montessori school adventure, Sam’s preschool playdates are pure sunshine, and both can swim, tumble, and dance circles around any city kid. And Rachael? Well, she juggles custom homes, Zumba classes, homestead queen duties, and whips up culinary masterpieces with our homegrown goodies. Oh, and we turned a spare room into a wrestling arena – prepare for a rumble in the homestead jungle!

So there you have it, homestead fam, a year condensed into one epic newsletter. It’s been a whirlwind and we wouldn’t trade it for the world. Keep an eye out for our next update, and until then, keep it real, keep it homesteady, and maybe even drop by for a virtual cup of sweet tea!

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