Scalfetti Farms Feb 2022 Update

Despite TX freezing over we had some great progress on the farm this month!!!

February Construction Progress:

Granny and Papa’s Home Construction

This month our builder poured slab on grade, framed the home, set windows, installed exterior doors, roughed in the plumbing, set the fireplace and nearly finished siding the house.

Rachael and Mike’s Home Remodel

Little progress was done on our house as the focus had been on Jennie and Tom’s construction. The plumber was able to locate the water and gas lines on the property and started “frost proofing” the yard hydrants.

Farm/Homestead Progress:

Big news for the farm, we are officially leasing bees! Harmony Hollow Apairy will be placing and maintaining (6) hives on the property for us. We are excited to be partnering with them and look forward to some honey!

In the Garden:

In preparation of planting our spring garden we built some raised garden beds and planted our seed starters. Rachael and I are competing to see which system works better, the recycled K-cups or the self watering tray we used last year… We will keep you posted!

In The Coop:

Our chickens are surviving the winter just fine with farmer Sammy supervising!

Family updates:

Rachael is back to working regular hours designing custom homes. Additionally, as a bonus, she is back to teaching Zumba!

Zac is back in school and doing well. He got invited to his first birthday party. We are excited to see how that goes.

Sammy is getting better at walking and starting to say some words! She is plotting her take over!

Granny and Papa have been working away and clearing trees and getting ready to enjoy their new view.

Unfortunately after 14 years old Miss Millie passed away. She was a good dog and will missed. Rest In Peace Millie.

Thank you for all the support! We hope you enjoyed this months update.

With Love from the Scalfetti Farm


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