Scalfetti Farms March 2022 Update – March Madness has arrived on the homestead!!!

Scalfetti Farms March 2022 Update

March madness has arrived on the homestead!!!

Construction Progress:

Granny and Papa’s Home Construction

Progress slowed down on Granny and Papa’s house as the focus was shifted to our house. Never the less, they were able to get the electrical roughed-in and ready for HVAC. Granny also coordinated the culvert expansion which has made it a lot easier to get in and out of the property!

Rachael and Mike’s Home Remodel

With the construction focus shifted to our house, we saw a lot of progress. The contractor nearly completed the interior framing, installed the new exterior windows and doors, started plumbing and electrical rough-in and even poured the carport concrete! We are very excited to see the progress, it is finally coming together!


Mike’s Shop Project

We were pleasantly surprised with the early delivery of the shop materials and even more surprised with how quickly they were able to build the building. Quality Shop Buildings was able to deliver and erect the building a month earlier than initially scheduled. We are now in the process of setting up the concrete, overhead doors and electrical installation. We are very eager to to get this finished up so we have the space to tackle even more projects!

Farm/Homestead Progress:

We have a website!!! Is is very much a work in progress but you can visit it at and see all previous monthly updates.

Around the Apiary:

No new updates on the bees, we are scheduling to have them arrive onsite once construction is wrapping up.

In the Garden:

By utilizing the permaculture principals Rachael and I are learning about, we spent a few weekends getting the garden set up right outside our back door! Next step – Irrigation, and Planting!!!

Behind the Coop:

As part of the our permaculture plan, we are working towards locating the most visited systems in Zone 1 (the area closest to the house). Additionally locating these in the correct Zone allows complementary systems to be next to each other. We moved the chickens next to the garden so we can feed them the garden scraps, and use the chicken’s deep bedding compost for the garden. It’s all close enough to the door to visit multiple times a day.

Family Updates:

Rachael has been in her element making on the fly changes to the plans of the house and selecting our finishes!

Zac is talking a lot more and really getting the share his personality with us. Rumor has it, Zac is everyone’s friend at school!

Sammy is loving tractor time with dad. Always on the move and fearless!

Granny and Papa have been over nearly every night and weekend pushing the progress onsite, clearing brush in the woods and making sure the place is picked up!

I have been enjoying all the work on the weekends getting the homestead up and running. The 12 month calendars is working well to keep us focused on this years priorities.

Final House Keeping:

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Thank you for all the support! We hope you enjoyed this months update.

With Love from the Scalfetti Farm
